If you are using a secure connection, make sure that there is no trust issues and the certificate chain is complete. There is no route to the specified subnet address. 4.Verify that right ports are opened or not. Also see ICA Error: Cannot connect to Citrix XenApp server. Update: So why was the proxy affecting my Citrix connections? For this the log file provided an answer. 2.Check if the apps are published on the right server. 1 Knowledge Base1.1 Cause1.2 Solution 11.3 Solution 21.4 Solution 32 Socket.Shutdown (SocketShutdown) Method ()2.1 Remarks2.2 See also3 Fix: ERRSOCKETNOTCONNECTED3.1. But my bad, the Receiver uses IE proxy settings it seems. I had specifically tried via the Receiver application rather than IE just to avoid any gotchas like this. Googled a lot, read various forum posts, finally came across this blog post that suggested turning off the IE proxy settings. The Citrix SSL server you have selected is not accepting connections' Solution Important This article is intended for use by System Administrators.
Learnt how to enable Citrix Reciver logging but that didn’t give any errors either (go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Configuration\Advanced\Modules\Logging for 64-bit OS, or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Configuration\Advanced\Modules\Logging for 32-bit OS, specify a value for LogFile, and set everything to true). When launching an application through Citrix Gateway, the following error is displayed: 'Cannot connect to the Citrix XenApp server. Internal client with Receiver 4.9 can connect fine to VDA 7.15. The issue only occurs when connecting through NetScaler. Older receiver versions work fine, also upgrading 4.9 to 4.10 solves the issue. That didn’t help though, and even though I could ping the XenApp servers and connect to ports 14. After upgrading one of the servers to XenApp VDA 7.16, users with Receiver version 4.9 are unable to connect. Dummy error on my part – I had forgotten to set the default gateway in the DHCP scope. Initially I tracked it down to the fact that I couldn’t ping my XenApp servers.
The server may be unavailable or you may have entered the server name incorrectly written. Unable to locate the requested Citrix XenApp name.
Been banging my head on this since yesterday. Citrix Receiver cannot connect to Citrix XenApp server via Mobile Access Blade Citrix Services Technical Level: Rate This: Your rating was not submitted, please try. Posts about Cannot connect to the Citrix XenApp server.